To celebrate Indepenence Day, we are freeing you from the oppressions of full retail and throwing a nice big sale to honor our forefathers! Come stop by on your day off for some Crooks and Castles, 10Deep, Royal Family, King Stampede, Acapulco Gold and a whole lot more. 50% off or more.
Last time we had a sale a few weeks back, we had it planned to last 4 days. It lasted a day and a half because we were completely emptied out. Come early and come prepared this time. If there's a line, please be patient as we try and let only a certain number of people in the store at a time so everyone gets a decent shopping experience. We don't want it to turn into a riot scene (again).
Reed Space Sale
151 Orchard Street (next to Reed Space)
Starts Wed July 4th at 1:00pm.
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