FRESHJIVE are the comback kids. They went from "huh?" to "GIMMIE!" They continue to stay true to themselves and L.A. For Fall they expanded on an already impressive line up of jackets and continued to kill it with tees. Keep it up.

The first of the coats arriving is the Hombre Coat. Quilted lined Plaid jacket, modeled after a workmens jacket. Warm and aggresive. Perfect for mad dogging in cold weather.

Officer Tee. Stripes on the shoulders means you're important. Then you get medals that say you're nice with the skills. Then the CIA recruits you and you get to F chicks, or dudes, and kill people while being really tan. Fucking tits right?

My friend Dustin used to take Ruffies and go plowing through Louisiana in a muddy pick up. Most of the time he crashed and then had to run away. Problem is you kinda blackout when you take those things. He had a hard time finding the car. Dustin I got you if you're reading this.

I wear this shirt when I'm out to lunch.

They shooting! Kids these days.

The first of the coats arriving is the Hombre Coat. Quilted lined Plaid jacket, modeled after a workmens jacket. Warm and aggresive. Perfect for mad dogging in cold weather.

Officer Tee. Stripes on the shoulders means you're important. Then you get medals that say you're nice with the skills. Then the CIA recruits you and you get to F chicks, or dudes, and kill people while being really tan. Fucking tits right?

My friend Dustin used to take Ruffies and go plowing through Louisiana in a muddy pick up. Most of the time he crashed and then had to run away. Problem is you kinda blackout when you take those things. He had a hard time finding the car. Dustin I got you if you're reading this.

I wear this shirt when I'm out to lunch.

They shooting! Kids these days.
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