Friday, October 13, 2006


Acapulco Gold gave us some tee's from the fall line. Everything is looking nice and crispy. Real shady for you and yours.

It's Muuuurrdeeer. AG style.

I was at a bar with some friends last night and dude's name came up. Jason was all like "I heard his father is Yakuza (the real MOB), and you're not aloud to look him in the eye". I said "No I heard he bought an entire factories t-shirt stock in liquidation and made $1,000,000 his first day out". Either way, being an International Man of Streetwear Mystery must be depressing cause he never smiles.

In the 80's Polo was for Whitey straight up. Country club attire yo. Muffy, Buffy, Chad, Chip, and Rand steez. Then a bunch of dudes in Crown Heights and Brownesville started racking (to steal for the lay-person) it like no other. The Lo-Lifes were born, Ralph created Polo Sport cause of it, A bunch of cats took inspiration from that line and streetwear was born.
Pay Homage. Just don't steal from us.

For a bigger history on the Lo-Lifes check out this interview Lo-Lifes

Pick up these plus a few more goodies at Reed Space.